How can I create a listing on LyveCity?

Submitting a listing on LyveCity is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Register or Log In:
    • If you don’t already have an account on our website, you’ll need to register. Look for the “Register” link on the site’s navigation menu and follow the prompts to create your account. You can also the available social login options to create an account.
    • If you’re already a registered user, simply log in using your username and password, or one of the available social network options.
  2. Navigate to the Submission Page:
    • Once logged in, go to the “Submit Listing” or “Add Listing” page. You can find this link in the main menu or on the User Dashboard page.
    • While on the listing creation page, you will be prompted to select a listing package of choice. Packages range free to paid ones. Choose one that best suits your use case. After selecting a package, you will be automatically  guided on the next step.
  3. Select Listing Type:
    • Once you have completed the package selection and activation process, you can go ahead to create your listing.
    • Choose the appropriate listing type based on the category of your submission (e.g., event, business, etc).
  4. Complete the Listing Form:
    • You will be presented with a submission form where you can enter details about your listing. Fields may include title, description, images, location, contact information, and additional fields.
  5. Submit Your Listing:
    • Once satisfied with your listing, click the “Submit” or “Publish” button. Your listing will then go through a review process, and once approved, it will be live on the website.
  6. Manage Your Listings:
    • You can manage your listings through your user dashboard. This includes editing, updating, or removing listings as needed.

If you encounter any issues during the submission process or have specific questions about the listing requirements, feel free to reach out to our support team for assistance. We appreciate your contribution to our directory and look forward to showcasing your listing on our platform!